Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Spaying a big cat

As part of a national campaign to prevent inbreeding in lions, I was last year involved in spaying lionesses and doing vasectomies in male lions. Luckily I have spayed thousands of cats in six years mixed and small animal practise, so the procedure was clear to me. The interesting things is, that this operation in lions is really exactly the same as in domestic cats. The ovaries are just little a bit bigger! We hands plenty of hands from international vets and veterinary students as part of our Chemical Immobilization Course. Great! Thanks to all of you.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Baby pics

The owner of the zebra which was attacked by a wildebeest, send me these pictures of the lovely foal what was born 1.5 month after I stitched up the deep wound. The delivery went well and mother and son are doing very well! Wanted to share this happy news with all of you.